Maureen McLeod-Frazer, RN

Coordinator, Lanark County Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Program, Perth and Smith Falls District Hospital

Maureen (she/her) is a Registered Nurse and Coordinator of the Lanark County SADV Program. She has worked in many areas of healthcare throughout her career but her passion is to work with survivors of sexual/intimate partner violence. She worked as an on-call nurse on the Sexual Assault team at Hamilton Health Sciences in 1994 and has been working in this sector on and off since then. She became the coordinator of the Lanark County Program in 2019. She lives in the Lanark County Community that she serves and has 2 adult children who identify as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. From this lens, she understands the needs of this community so strives to provide comprehensive, trauma informed, and evidenced-based care to all people, regardless of gender or sexuality.