
Our national partnership brings together diverse TGD-positive community and healthcare organizations, members of TGD communities, the public sector, academics, and trainees from all provinces and territories with the goal of improving supports for TGD survivors of SA and IPV. Our five objectives are to:

  1. Establish a first-of-its-kind national network for TGD individuals, uniting community, healthcare and public sector organizations to collaboratively conduct research and develop programs, interventions and knowledge dissemination initiatives.

  2. Determine the scope of this pressing issue by launching the first nationwide survey in Canada exclusively dedicated to studying sexual assault and intimate partner violence against TGD persons. This survey aims to bridge research gaps by exploring its prevalence, severity, contributing factors, consequences and patterns of seeking assistance. 

  3. Examine access and barriers to relevant services and supports using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map TGD-affirming community organizations and hospital-based violence treatment centres nationwide. Gather insights through in-depth interviews with service providers and TGD survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence.

  4. Develop online learning courses aimed at educating professionals across various sectors about effectively addressing the unique needs of TGD survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence.

  5. Establish and evaluate a national knowledge hub to facilitate the dissemination of research and knowledge shared within the newly formed national network.